When you give publicly traded stocks, mutual funds or bonds to RAPS, you make a meaningful investment in saving the lives of animals – and the donation reduces your taxable gains by 100% and you’ll receive a charitable tax receipt for the full value of the gift.
To make a gift of securities, the easiest and most cost effective to do so, is transferring the gift directly to RAPS.
You will receive a charitable tax receipt for the full market value of the donated securitieson the day that the shares are received.
With changes to the taxation of charitable gifts of securities, it is now even more tax-advantageous for you to make a gift of stock, while providing another way for you to save and protect animals in need.
All it requires from you is a few minutes by filling out the intention form. Please download the Securities Gifting Form to transfer securities, and complete with your broker or financial advisor.
If you have any questions about donating securities please contact Jonathan Lerner at jonathan@rapsbc.com or call us at 604-242-1661
If you own publicly traded securities (stocks, bonds or mutual funds) that have increased in value since you purchased them and you use them to make your charitable donations, you’ll realize even more tax savings than you would with a gift of cash. If you sell the securities, you will pay tax on 50% of the capital gain. However, if you donate the securities in-kind, you will pay no tax on the capital gain, and you will receive a charitable receipt for the market value of the securities on the day you initiate the transfer.