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Meet the Volunteer of the Month: Jessica Bradshaw!

RAPS depends on a small army of volunteers to help us deliver individualized care to thousands of animals! This month, we celebrate one of those spectacular humans, Jessica Bradshaw!

What is your role at RAPS?

I am a volunteer at the Sanctuary, in the Hill House area, and I gather the front courtyard water bowls for a good scrub at the sink.

How long have you been volunteering with RAPS?

I’ve lost count! I believe it has been over five years now.

What makes you committed to RAPS?

I really love cats. I found out about RAPS through a joint adoption program they did a while ago, which is where we got our lovely feisty boy, Kai. Then came a day where I had enough energy and decided I should volunteer somewhere. I then fell in love with so many cats at the Sanctuary and have a soft spot for the elderly cats and those with special needs/disabilities or other health problems as I am chronically ill and disabled myself. Also, seeing so many great people at the Sanctuary or in connection with it is very uplifting and encouraging.

What is your favourite / least favourite part of your job?

Interacting with the kitties is probably my favourite part, or learning something new I never expected about one of the cats. It is always funny to find out about someone’s new naughty streak. My least favourite would be the hidden poop piles or poop smears over the sides of litter boxes.

Tell us about yourself!

I grew up in Richmond with my parents, Moira and John, and my older brother Sean. He has since moved to Australia and has an awesome wife named Bex, and they have two kids together. My mom is retired now but worked as a Clinical Dietitian for over 30 years at Richmond Hospital and my dad is a Biomedical Technician. We grew up with pets in the house and they have always been a huge part of my life. A love of animals in fact is what my partner and I initially bonded over, in front of some fat-tailed geckos, 12 years ago. He grew up with animals as well at his uncle’s rescue in the Philippines.

What do you do in your spare time?

I enjoy learning about new things. Recently it has been about bees. I love gardening and get fixated on semi-unusual plants, especially if that plant is food-bearing or is something my partner is familiar with from growing up in the Philippines. Aside from gardening, I have also done some mushroom cultivating. I’ve always enjoyed gaming, mainly confined to the PC now, but I got to share consoles with my brother growing up. I guess I also must enjoy animal husbandry as well, as I maintain a saltwater reef aquarium, as well as freshwater tank and all of our other pet areas. I also enjoy cooking and trying new recipes as well as fermenting and pickling. I enjoy crafts as well and just spending time with my loved ones and pets.

Do you have pets? Tell us about them!

Oh don’t we ever! There is Kai, who was mentioned earlier. He is now 10 and still very kittenish. He has no teeth due to an autoimmune condition that is now in remission, but enjoys his kibble now more than ever. He can also grab flies in a mid-air jump, but can’t really land on his own feet. There is Pearl, our weird rescue husky-shepherd mix of a girl. She is a super-sweet, very-vocal wild child who will be two years old at the end of January. Amaretti and Biscotti are our chinchillas. They both love to get kisses and enjoy their dust baths, snacks and being bounced while held. They are 12 and 11. Charlie is our ball python. Honestly, he is the most mild-mannered of our bunch and just enjoys a good warm snuggle and some exploring. We also have fish! In my reef tank there is Wanda, Fang, and Brian. Wanda is a sassy percula clownfish. Fang, a shy combtooth blenny, and Brian. Brian is an urchin, not a fish, I know, and is named after two of my favourite drag queens. In our freshtwater tanks, there is Noot-Noot the betta fish who is kept company by some Daisy’s blue ricefish and Kuhli loaches.

Jessica, you make the lives of so many animals (and people!) brighter! Thank you for everything you do! Congratulations on being recognized as Volunteer of the Month!