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Meet the Humans: Marian Lucas Lane

Keeping an animal organization running like clockwork is impossible. There are waaaay too many moving parts – including literally herding cats – to expect a large, multifaceted animal organization to run like a Swiss train is a bit of a stretch. But if there is one person who ensures that RAPS administrative operations are as streamlined, functional and organized as possible, it is Marian!

What is your role at RAPS?

My RAPS role is Senior Manager of Operations, which involves doing just about anything that needs doing. My work directly supports the CEO. My background is in visual communications and marketing, so most of my larger projects involve design in some capacity, but I also do administration, operations, human resources and anything else that needs doing.

How long have you been volunteering and/or working with RAPS?

I started helping out at RAPS over six years ago as a branding and design contractor. I joined the RAPS team full-time in the spring of 2017, after a communications contract at SFU ended.

What makes you committed to RAPS?

Animals have always been such a huge part of my life and RAPS’ commitment to no-kill and our animal advocacy efforts are both things that I feel very passionate about.

What is your favourite / least favourite part of your job?

I love my job and the people I work with. I really appreciate everything we do as an organization, the animals we help, and that we give back to the community. Working in not-for-profit is a good fit for me. Over the years, I’ve picked up a rather broad skill set, but my favourite tasks are always the design-based ones. We have a such an amazing photo and video library to work with, from such a group of talented contributors. My favourite project to date, was designing the animal hospital interior. Least favourite thing would be long meetings or having multiple meetings in a day. I am a doer, not a talker! I am far more comfortable getting things done, behind the scenes.

Tell us more about yourself!

I was born in the Okanagan but I spent most of my youth on the Gulf Islands, first Pender Island, then Salt Spring Island, where I graduated from Gulf Island Secondary School. On the islands, we had chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, and always dogs and cats. We gardened, fished, preserved food, and did as much as we could to live off the land. I have a deep appreciation of what the land can offer.

I moved to Vancouver as a young adult and attended Emily Carr University, graduating with a Bachelor’s in Design, majoring in Visual Communications. I have worked as a designer since graduation, many years as a freelancer, before moving into the not-for-profit arena. I also have a diploma in fashion design and have studied interior design, marketing, and not-for-profit management.

My partner and I moved to Prince George in April 2021 for his work. I plan to represent RAPS in Northern BC and am working on building relationships with rescues in the area.

Together, we have a blended family with two sons and two step-daughters. We also have two dogs, McCalla, a chocolate Lab, and Benji, an elderly Lhaso Apso. We live with two grey, rescue cat sisters, Zync and Zyla, fondly nicknamed short-hair and long-hair.

What do you do in your spare time?

I have always had a big love of horses and ride twice a week at a local equestrian barn. Aside from that, I walk my dogs, hike, read, cycle, play piano, cook and do various crafts. I volunteer with the Prince George Therapeutic Riding Association and soon with the B.C. Summer Games. I also really like to clean my house – I find it relaxing. Design is a big part of who I am so I am constantly designing and re-designing my home and garden.