Recovering Tang Tang preparing for a wonderful life!
Surrendered cat undergoes surgery … will soon be looking for a very special forever home
Tang Tang is a three-year-old male British Shorthair cat who is an incredible cuddle bug!
Unfortunately, he suffers from repeated urinary tract blockages. These are costly to treat and his human contacted RAPS to inquire about surrendering him. The RAPS Animal Hospital offers no-interest payment plans for families that need to stretch out payments for unanticipated treatments. But after discussing all options with the person, they still decided to surrender Tang Tang.
In many jurisdictions, an animal like Tang Tang would be euthanized because animal agencies would not expend the resources to provide the medical procedure to correct the ailment. But RAPS is a no-kill animal-serving agency.
Our animal care staff at the RAPS Adoption Centre immediately saw that Tang Tang was only able to dribble tiny amounts of urine and was in discomfort. Veterinarians at the RAPS Animal Hospital inserted a catheter to ease his pain.
Tang Tang was placed in his own, special suite at the Hospital where the staff immediately were smitten with this cuddly boy. A sign in the isolation room declares: “Tang Tang’s Suite – Members Only.”
Because of his chronic urinary tract blockage history and the pain and suffering they caused, the medical team decided a Perineal Urethrostomy was the best option to try to help prevent continued blockages.
Tang Tang will remain in RAPS’ care and monitored closely while he heals from his procedure. He is not only getting all the medical attention he needs for his physical health, he is reveling in the adulation of the staff with whom he has developed a very much reciprocated affection.
Once he has healed fully and is feeling 100% his dashing self, Tang Tang will be placed for adoption as we begin the process to find him a forever home. He is a young cat with many healthy years ahead of him and he is going to take his place at the centre of a very special loving home.
Stay tuned for updates as the magnificent Tang Tang gets ready for the next phase of his life.
Animals like Tang Tang, who have treatable but sometimes complicated or expensive medical conditions, are at risk of being euthanized in far too many jurisdictions. RAPS is able to ensure animals like him are able to live their best lives – and we can make this promise because we have the support of animal-loving people in our community!