Tika Finds Forever Home
Tika was brought to the RAPS City Shelter by RCMP as sadly Tika’s owner had passed away. Sweet Tika arrived in very poor condition due to the unfortunate situation, pretty much on the brink of death. Tika was severely jaundiced (her skin was almost as yellow as a lemon) as she did not have food available for some time. Then because she felt so unwell, she was refusing to eat any food we provided. Therefore, a feeding tube was placed in at the RAPS Animal Hospital to allow us to feed her and save her life. Thankfully Tika made a miraculous recovery and we all had the great fortune of experiencing Tika’s sweet, spunky and spicy personality. Tika became the office cat and provided lots of entertainment and joy. Once she fully recovered, she was placed up for adoption and found a wonderful home with Kaye and Sam!
Remarkably, the RAPS team received a letter from Tika (and you thought border collies were smart!) …
Hi everyone! I miss you all at RAPS (not the other cats), but I want to give you an update about my new pets, Kaye and Sam.
When I got to their place, I was pretty scared, but knew I’d be okay when I spent the first night with them in bed. They’re warm. I still sleep with them. I don’t think Kaye knows that Sam’s paid me off in treats (tuna only) to sleep on Kaye’s side. She is still trying with only chin rubs, so I think she might be a little slow.
I’ve got some new hobbies. I don’t know why Sam thinks I’m interested in fake mice and birds on a stick. Kaye recently figured out that what I really enjoy are hair elastics and balls of tape. Finally, someone gets me!
I also have been getting pretty good at catching moths (especially when Kaye catches them first and puts them in front of me). Hey, they’re high in protein, unlike those other gross food groups like chicken and shrimpys. Bleh.
I’ve been playing games with Kaye and Sam by following them around (I’m pretty good, sometimes they don’t even see me) and have been enjoying looking at the birds outside. There are lots of spots for me to lie in the sun and there are some low ledges at the windows for me to walk on.
Here are some pictures I got them to take of me. Unfortunately, the boudoir ones are too racy to share (they would make the other cats jealous of my good looks). Meow!
PS: I still sometimes eat too fast when I get excited and throw up. Thankfully, they give me more food when I ask for it.