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July 10 is National Kitten Day!

Happy National Kitten Day!

We know … for some of us, everyday is National Kitten Day. Still, let’s take a minute to think about the felines in our lives.

National Kitten Day is intended to “celebrate the magic of kittens, highlight the plight of kittens in shelters and to encourage adoption,” according to author and animal advocate Colleen Paige.

RAPS is a no-kill animal organization, which means that, under our care, no animal is ever euthanized due to lack of space, treatable illness, physical defect, age, rectifiable behavioural or socialization issues.

Unfortunately, not all organizations in North America share this promise. One estimate suggests as many as four million cats enter shelters every day in the United States – and between 25% and half of those end up euthanized.

That means that there are two absolutely critical things you can do on this National Kitten Day: Make sure that your cat is spayed or neutered. And, if you don’t have a cat – or if you have room for one more – talk to your family about the possibility of adding a cat to your household. The RAPS-run City of Richmond Animal Shelter always has cats who are looking for a loving, forever home.

Beyond these important acts, there are a whole bunch of things you can do to mark National Kitten Day — in addition to petting or cuddling your favourite feline.

If you already have a cat in your household, take a moment to make sure that their vaccinations and checkups are up-to-date. Call your veterinarian (or the RAPS Animal Hospital, 604-242-1666) to make an appointment.

Consider volunteering at the RAPS Cat Sanctuary or the City of Richmond Animal Shelter. We are also looking for foster families throughout the year, especially in springtime when mama kittens and their litters need a safe, warm home to start their lives.

Share your kitty love on social media. Take fresh pictures of your furry family and post them to brighten your friends’ day! #NationalKittenDay

Make sure your cat’s identification is up-to-date — ensure they have a tattoo or microchip and, if they do, make sure that the veterinary database is up-to-date with your latest contact information.

Dedicate some time specifically to socialize with your kitten or cat. Of course, cats are pretty good at demanding whatever affection and attention they need or want. But surprise them today and give them some extra rubs, pets, gibberish talk or cuddles.

Consider sponsoring a resident at the RAPS Cat Sanctuary. Sponsorships cost $25 a month — less than a coffee a day! — and cover all the expenses for an average cat (as if there is such a thing as an average cat)!

Or make a one-time donation to RAPS to support our programming of spaying and neutering cats to prevent overpopulation.

Visit the RAPS Cat Sanctuary this weekend! We are now open on Saturdays as well as Sundays, from 1 to 4 p.m. Get all the details here. Also, please note the guidelines for safe and enjoyable visits with our 500 or so cats.

Help us make change in the lives of more animals. Join RAPS, tell your friends about what we do, choose the RAPS Animal Hospital for your veterinary needs, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Most important: Just keep loving the animals in your life! Happy National Kitten Day!