Marianne Moore: Remembering a member of the RAPS family
By now, most people will know that the Regional Animal Protection Society family lost a valued and beloved member recently.
Marianne Moore, whose volunteerism and philanthropy helped build RAPS into the strong organization it is today, has passed away.
The RAPS family offers every condolence to Marianne’s family and her vast number of friends and admirers, including so many who worked alongside her in caring for the animals, especially at the RAPS Cat Sanctuary.
With the intention of continuing the work Marianne did in her lifetime, and honouring the values by which she lived, her husband, Doug, has invited donation to RAPS in Marianne’s memory.
We have set up a special fund in Marianne’s name, the revenue from which will go directly to supporting residents at the RAPS Cat Sanctuary. Donations can be made online or in person at any RAPS location. Thank you in advance.
Marianne’s work has changed the lives of so many animals – and people.
It was Marianne who first presented the idea for a Kitty Comforter program. This innovation changes the lives of the many animals who come to us fearful and unsocialized. The Kitty Comforters devote the necessary one-on-one attention to the cats, helping them adapt to their new circumstances, come to feel at home and to build trust in their new human friends.
Marianne never hesitated to take on whatever task was required and she spent many years as a cleaner, making the premises pleasant for animals and people. She assumed responsibility for the Cat Sponsorship program and did a great job of keeping track of sponsors and their kitties.
Her frequent and generous financial support for RAPS has provided countless absolutely necessary improvements and additions, including insulating the underside of the covered decks, funding the furnace and notably the “Moore Trailer,” which is an important place in the Sanctuary where older and frail residents can find quiet and peace.
She also undertook the significant task of creating a volunteer manual for both day and evening shifts. And for years, Marianne organized the summer party that is so much fun! The “Day of Chance” came from her love of the cats that had gone over the Rainbow Bridge.
Words cannot begin to capture the impact Marianne had on so many lives – not only the cats who adored her, but the people too!
Just two days before she passed away, Marianne was recognized at the RAPS annual general meeting for her years of caring and commitment. She will be immensely missed and deeply mourned.