Social enterprise a sustainable source of support
RAPS depends on the support of animal-loving people in our community. Our enormous growth over two decades is evidence of how many supporters we have and the confidence they have in our ability to deliver top-notch NO-KILL animal care. We couldn’t do everything we do for the animals without your support!
Nevertheless, non-profit organizations like RAPS are becoming increasingly aware that disproportionate reliance on community donations can put an organization at the whim of economic fluctuations. Diversifying revenue sources is important to an organization’s security.
The RAPS Thrift Store is a social enterprise and an important source of revenue for our organization. We are also proud of the fact that it is a part of the recycling (or “upcycling”) economy, which is good for the environment, for the economy, for customers and for the animals and people we serve.
Social enterprise, at its best, is about combining the “heart” of the non-profit sector with the “head” of business best practices. It is about advancing organizational independence and sustainability by exchanging services for revenue, taking what a non-profit does best and leveraging it to fund expanded services.
RAPS is launching a new community-supported, social enterprise Regional Animal Hospital, which will change the future for RAPS and the animals we serve. This social enterprise will provide permanent, sustainable funding for our organization, so we can do more good for more animals. Please find out more and support this unprecedented initiative.