Message from the CEO
The Richmond Animal Protection Society has more than two decades of history and is a beloved community asset. The number of animal – and human – lives we have changed during these years is incalculable. And that is because of your support and devotion to RAPS.
Yet we can do more. And we’re going to. With your help.
In the very near future, we are going to share with you plans for an exciting, dramatic expansion of RAPS that we think will excite you.
The plan we are putting in place will secure the future of RAPS and create a permanent foundation and home for the animals we love and a secure financial future for the organization.
In the past year, we have reorganized our operations and systems to create efficiencies to save money to care for more animals. And we have succeeded. We have record numbers of adoptions, we have provided more medical care for animals in one year than ever before and we have more capacity to treat more animals. And we have two veterinary doctors assisting us regularly on-site at the Sanctuary and the City Animal Shelter.
Now, we are launching a new epoch in the life of RAPS that will do nothing short of redefine sustainable, community-supported NO-KILL animal care.
Our goal is to make you proud of our efforts and your membership in RAPS.
We intend to share all of our knowledge and successes with other animals agencies globally, so that our work can be replicated elsewhere, saving potentially millions of animals.
We will be presenting full details of our innovative plans at the RAPS Annual General Meeting on the evening of Thursday, May 25. (Time, directions and more details in a forthcoming email.) Please join us at the Kinsmen Nature Park Pavilion in the Richmond Nature Park. Mark your calendar and watch your in-box for further details. Join us for the start of what is going to be an extraordinary period for RAPS, for our community and for the animals we love.
Eyal Lichtmann