Mad Hatters Celebrate
By Carol Porteous
This year, the felines at the RAPS Cat Sanctuary requested that we have a special tea with a unique theme. The First Annual RAPS Mad Hatter’s Tea Pawty was held May 15, at the Sanctuary in Richmond.
Over 100 guests attended this fun event, many donning their best-decorated hat for the Mad Hatter’s Best Hat Contest.
This whimsical afternoon of tea, cats and live music was filled with sandwiches, delicious baking, assorted flavorful teas and more.
Residents partook in cat treats and catnip and thought it was a purrfect sociable get together. Purrs were heard everywhere.
Those with the most original hats were awarded prizes. Congratulations to Lee Turner for the best Mad Hat!
The Mad Hatter flea market, bake and craft sale was extremely successful and a big thank you to everyone who donated and contributed to this. The Tea Pawty raised well over $6,000 and created a whole lot of awareness for RAPS.
The money will be used for the care and welfare of our furry friends.
A very special thank you to the volunteers and staff who worked so hard to make this a success. Hats off to you!
Throughout the year, RAPS Cat Sanctuary welcomes visitors every Sunday afternoon between 1 and 4 p.m. Admission is free. For information on how to find us please call 604-275-2036 for directions.
A special thank you to Michele Wright at